The Masterclass
Learning Through Listening: Practical lessons in the art and craft of audio storytelling from some of the best in the world, hosted by Louisa Lim from the Centre for Advancing Journalism at the University of Melbourne.
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171123-Mike-Innes_AIRIn the words of the British comedy figure Alan Partridge, dead air is a crime. But how to go about finding sparkling interviewees to bring your pieces to life? In this episode, Mike Innes, an output editor for BBC World Service’s daily news programme, Newshour, talks through how to find the right guests to bring the airwaves alive.
BBC World Service Newshour 20.11.17 as featured on programme
Dan Patrick on Newshour 5.1.16
BBC World Service Newshour
Mike Innes and Tim Franks in Florida -
One word is all it takes to sum up the power of audio. The same word kept popping up in Louisa Lim’s conversations with some of the best audio journalists in the world. Find out what it is, and how to use it to harness the power of audio in this episode.
Louisa Lim Protests, Self-Immolations A Sign of A Desperate Tibet…f-a-desperate-tibetLouisa Lim On Tibetan Plateau A Constant Sense of Surveillance (NPR)…nstant-surveillanceLouisa Lim Ancient Mongolian Competition Ties Past to Present (NPR)…ies-past-to-presentLouisa Lim North Korea Greets its Next Leader (NPR)…p?storyId=130469051Louisa Lim China’s Migrant Wage Battle (BBC) Lim Love Songs Capture Ancient Ritual in New China (NPR)…php?storyId=7502196Louisa Lim Belly Dancing for the Dead; A Day With China’s Top Mourner (NPR)…-chinas-top-mournerRobert Smith Countdown Begins As Planet Money’s Satellite Gets Placed On Rocket (NPR)…ts-placed-on-rocket
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